PJ’s Page!
A few weeks ago we put this message on our reader board along the Greenwood Ave. side of the building. I thought it was a clever play on words. I also thought that, given the vitriolic nature of some of what is said in the name of “the church”, it was a helpful reminder to us all to speak and act with love rather than hate. I hoped that people would smile when they read it.
I could not have anticipated the response that we’ve had! We have received several emails from complete strangers, who have been so moved by the message of the sign that they’ve taken the time to search for our website, find an email address, compose and send their appreciation. Here are two samplings from what we received:
We are visiting from Canada and happened to drive by your church this morning. We loved the sentiment of separation between church and hate. Thank you! Sincerely, Marnie Schaetti Sent from my iPhone
Good evening,
I just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know how awesome your message is on the southbound side of your billboard; about believing in the separation of church and hate! It seems these days that the crazy people who call themselves “Christians” are getting so much more attention than the sane people that believe EVERYONE should be treated with respect and love.
Keep up the good work!
The photo of the sign has also been posted on Facebook, and has, as they say, “gone viral”, being shared on almost thirty new pages and being “liked” too many times to count, all because we were willing to speak a message that reaches others with the radical, inclusive welcome of the Gospel.
How is it that the Church (the larger Church) has become associated with words that divide? If the Church sings and says and in other ways professes the love of God, how can it then even begin to suggest that God’s love does not reach to every single person?
I am so grateful to serve at Luther Memorial, where the expansive love of Christ reaches out beyond ourselves. It is not always easy to live out our mission statement of “Actively Sharing Christ’s Love in Community”, but when we do, we are sharing the Gospel message.
It can be especially difficult to stay centered in the Gospel message when the messages around us are full of suspicion, judgment, divisiveness, and yes, even hatred. This seems particularly true around election time. And yet, if we can imagine ourselves filtering our speech through Christ’s love….which embraces every person….how much more are we then actively sharing that love?
It also occurs to me that the message on our reader board was a form of Evangelism….a word Lutherans love but dread putting into practice. But we didn’t have to knock on doors or assault people with pointed questions…instead we simply offered a hopeful word in an interesting way. I think that’s what Jesus did, too, throughout the gospels, in parables and stories.
Beloved community, let’s reach out with love and compassion to our neighbors…to community wherever it is found. Let’s be reminded that we do believe in the separation of church and hate.
Serving with you,
Pastor Julie+