The Messenger – October 2018

The Messenger – October 2018

PJ’s Page – 

October 2018 Messenger

Every morning, when we awake, a day full of possibilities and choices lies before us.  Certainly there are many things we “must” do…responsibilities related to our work or families or life together.  Even then, some if not most, of those are a choice we make.  I will choose to brush my teeth because it’s important to my health.  I will choose to go to work because others are counting on me to do my share.

My operating definition of Stewardship is “What We Do With What We Have.”   And that involves choices and decisions we make every day. 

Beginning on September 30th, and continuing through October 21st, Luther Memorial will consider and celebrate Stewardship together.  Our theme this year is: Prepare. Plant. Harvest: Sowing Seeds of Generosity.  During this time we will focus our worship and our community life together on what we do with what we have. 

Specifically, we will focus our Sunday worship on four areas of stewardship:  Stewardship of Creation; Stewardship of Our Whole Selves; Stewardship of One Another; and Stewardship of the Gospel.  On October 21st, Pastor Paul Hoffman will be our guest preacher as we conclude our series together.

But stewardship isn’t just a four part worship series or a once a year emphasis.  Stewardship is a daily way of being in God’s world. Stewardship is what we do with what we have. 

As a congregation, we also make choices around how we steward what we have.  How we utilize our building and grounds and how we care for them; how we participate in the neighborhood around us; how we support and help our neighbors; how our ministries and mission reach out to others with the good news of the love of God in Jesus Christ. 

I am very much looking forward to this time of giving thanks for all that we have and the many blessings inherent therein and to considering how we steward those gifts.  I look forward to sharing times of worship, fellowship, education, and mission with you through that process! 

See you in church! 

Pastor Julie+