PJ’s Page –
This is the season of giving thanks and whenever I turn my attention to writing the November Messenger article, I am glad to have the chance to reflect on the blessings of the year as it moves to a close (remember – the church year ends on November 28th this year.)
Even as we do not have an outcome in hand, I am grateful for the willingness of this congregation to be in patient discernment over the use of a portion of the parking lot for affordable housing. If my gratitude is great, imagine the gratitude of those who could eventually have homes for their families and themselves.
I am so thankful for the children of this congregation. Their wisdom, love, and enthusiasm fills me up every single time. I want to express my appreciation and admiration for those folks who work with our children’s ministries. What they do tells the story of Christ to our young disciples.
The many folks who lead our worship deserve much gratitude. The choir and their director, Paul Olsen; Lennon Aldort, our musician; all who serve in worship, as acolytes, readers, song leaders, ushers, and assisting ministers; those who prepare the table and care for our worship items and space…we all lead the assembly in worshiping Christ.
I give thanks for the wise elders in our midst. Their energy and enthusiasm…their unflagging faithfulness….we are enriched and enlivened as a community by their presence.
Your Congregational Council, elected to carry out the mission and business of this congregation serves tirelessly and with good humor. I am grateful for the gifts they bring.
For those who handle the important tasks of caring for our finances: Karen Olsen our Treasurer; Donna Smith our Financial Secretary and all who serve as counters on Sunday morning.
Our staff is small, but incredibly gifted! Katy Sarff, Stephen Guffey, Lennon Aldort, and Paul Olsen, I tip my hat to you!
All who serve on our various committees and in so many capacities: Endowment Fund Committee, Worship Committee, Finance Committee, Facilities Committee, Personnel Committee – thank you!
And for each of you….your prayers, your support in so many ways of the ministry we do here together…it exemplifies what it is to be the Body of Christ together.
In closing, I share this prayer that our family has used as a Table Prayer for many years:
O God, we thank you for food and remember the hungry.
We thank you for health and remember the sick.
We thank you for friends and remember the friendless.
We thank you for freedom and remember the enslaved.
May these remembrances stir us to service, that your gifts to us may be used for others. Amen.
With my heartfelt love & thanksgiving,