The Messenger – November 2012

The Messenger – November 2012

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It is a gift, indeed, to begin the month of November by remembering the saints who have gone before us.  As is customary in our community of faith, you are invited to bring photos and other mementos to share in our All Saints display in the narthex.  Although we will first see the display on Nov. 4th, All Saints Sunday, the display will remain in the narthex throughout the month of November.   We remember with great thanksgiving and gratitude the lives of the saints from this congregation who have died in the past year, including Dick Chapman, Earlene Taylor, Anne Hollister, and Barbara Siem.  We give thanks to God for the many ways their lives were witnesses to the Gospel.

During the month of November society offers us many reminders that it is a season of thankfulness.  As our nation celebrates the national holiday of Thanksgiving, we in the church come to the end of the church year.  We have observed with gusto Reformation Sunday, remembered the saints, and observed Christ the King.  Soon, the new liturgical year (church year) will begin again.

In November we will continue our Stewardship emphasis that began on Oct. 21st.  This year, as you well know by now, we offer our Gifts of Gratitude.  We have given thanks for the gift of the Church, and we will give thanks for the Communion of Saints, our Ministry Partners, and the gifts of this congregation.  We will remember how vitally and critically important the work of ministry is to the neighborhood, the city, and the world.  Your gifts, given in gratitude to God, will enable our work to continue.

We have numerous opportunities to offer our thanks and praise this month and I commend them all to you!  From our Sunday worship services, to the Cora voce Concert, to the Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, I hope you will take time to come into a community of faith and offer your gratitude.

Whenever I think of those things for which I am grateful, know that you are among them.  Each one of you is so vitally important to our ministry and mission at Luther Memorial.   How blessed we are by your gifts of prayer, song, study, friendship, food, laughter, smiles, service, and love.

Lord God, our hearts are crowded with gratitude at this time of Thanksgiving!  We gather at your table and at our tables with joy and eagerness, for we are truly grateful for all of your wonders and workings.  We thank you for the great generosity of your gifts, especially for the gift of your Son, Jesus.  Let us be servants to all and be always mindful of those who are without food or a home.  We thank you for the communion of saints, who, though not gathered around table, feast forever at your holy table.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.


With deepest gratitude,

Pastor Julie