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Is it just me, or do the months during an election year seem to have more days in them? More opportunities for the mudslinging, partisan rhetoric that has, unfortunately, become the hallmark of political campaigning. It’s only mid-summer and already I have grown weary of the talk shows on television and radio, as well as the campaign signs and bumper stickers.
Someone pointed out recently that during the last presidential election, the iPad had not yet been introduced to the public. Wow. Now it seems that everywhere I go, folks are on their iPads.
Recently, during worship, a visitor even had hers out, taking photos of our worship space! But that’s how quickly times change. That’s how rapidly this piece of technology became a part of our daily landscape…less than four years.
There are some things that never change. As Christians, we believe that the steadfast love of God is constant, it does not change. And, thus far, the need for us as Christians to carry out the work Jesus called us to do, indeed the work that God has mandated, has not changed. The prophet Micah put it this way: “God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)
Do justice. Love kindness. Walk humbly with God. This is no small order. And yet, as God’s people, called and sent into the world, these are the directives set clearly before us. And so, when we are faced with a decision or an opportunity or a setting or a challenge, then we can ask ourselves these questions: Is this the just action? Am I showing kindness? Can I imagine myself, in this action or inaction, walking humbly with God on this journey?
One of the most recent ways we responded with justice, kindness, and humility was during our week of working with Mary’s Place. We were again blessed beyond measure by the women and children who were our guests during this week. My utmost gratitude to Karen Olsen for her tireless work in organizing this effort on behalf of this congregation and to all of you who helped in some way. From meals to hospitality to overnight hosting to financial contributions…..you showed what it was to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.
It is my fervent hope, each election season, that we will be blessed with leaders who also hold such mandates before them. That our politicians would consider this call as a call to the leadership of our nation. And as we approach election season, I want to repeat to you what I have said before…I will not preach politics from the pulpit, but I will speak to justice. Who you vote for is your decision and I will not attempt to influence it. But THAT you vote is a justice matter, and it is likely that I will remind you to do so.
Between now and the elections, I believe that one of the most faithful responses we can have as the people of God is to hold our nation and its leaders in prayer. Whether we voted for them or not, whether we agree or disagree with their positions, let us both individually and as a community hold these women and men in prayer before the One who is the true ruler of all the nations.
Praying with and for you,
Pastor Julie+