A friend from seminary recently walked into his living room on Inauguration Day. His son, who is in first grade, was praying along with the prayers being offered during the inaugural festivities. Quickly, this father pulled out his smartphone and snapped a picture of his son. He shared it with us on Facebook. I’ve known Caden since he was born, and as the product of a household who places a priority on passing along their faith and instilling in their children faith practices, like prayer, I was not surprised by this photo, but I was touched by it nonetheless.
I was reminded, of course, of the times in Scripture when we are called to remember how the faith of our children serves as an example to us and a guide for our lives and our faith journeys. Jesus told the disciples to become as children in their faith (Matthew 18:3) and he also them that the children were always to be allowed to come to him, because it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs (Matthew 19: 13-15).
I learn a great deal from the children at Luther Memorial. Besides what they teach me during Children’s sermons, (which is most often an unintended and better ‘lesson’ than I’d intended to pass along), I learn from watching them. Let me share what I’ve learned from our young disciples during my time with you all:
- When the invitation is made to come to the table, be filled with joy as you come! After all, we come to the table to receive the greatest gift we’ve been given.
- It’s ok to be sad and to show it, otherwise how can we care for one another if we are not being true with our emotions?
- Sharing is good. Recently one of our preschoolers put back all of the candy I’d given him when I mentioned that he’d have the opportunity to share with others. All of it.
- Singing is a great way to praise Jesus! Sing loud!
- If someone asks a question, it’s ok to guess at the answer if you don’t know it.
- The best way to make a new friend is to share your toys.
What a gift our children are to us and what gladness they bring into this place! Be sure to tell them that they are beloved by us all, so that when they feel alone in the world (and they will) they will remember how much we treasure them and how much God loves them.
During this month when society celebrates romantic love (and who doesn’t love a little romance?) I invite you to also share the love of Christ with one another and with strangers who are just friends we haven’t met yet. Be creative in sharing that love…go visit someone, call someone you haven’t talked to in awhile, bake someone a pie, or take a cue from our kids and share your toys!
With Christ’s all encompassing love,
Pastor Julie Hutson