We are hosting in-person worship since June 20, 2021. Our most recent worship video can be found below. You can also visit our YouTube channel for more worship videos.
Sermons prior to the pandemic can be found here.
The Feast of Pentecost A – June 12, 2011
There’s an old expression for people who are passionate about something: it’s said that they have “fire in their belly”. Maybe it’s a cause or a hobby or a sport or even a person…but I love that phrase…fire in their belly.
7 Easter A – June 5, 2011
His name is Robert Timothy Clark. He’s been gone for just over two years…serving in the United States Army. His mother keeps his room ready for his return. In fact, she keeps their home ready for his return. His clothes are all clean and put away.
6 Easter A – May 29, 2011
On Thursday, I was returning to the church from a synod committee meeting. It was a meeting of a committee that I serve on as chair, so I’m a bit reluctant to paint a negative picture of this meeting. In fact, it was, as meetings go…productive!