We are hosting in-person worship since June 20, 2021. Our most recent worship video can be found below. You can also visit our YouTube channel for more worship videos.
Sermons prior to the pandemic can be found here.
Fourth Sunday in Advent C – December 23, 2012
My prayer is that this Christmas season, no matter how despairing we are, however many losses we have experienced this year and are all too aware of, that we might hear the song of blessing that Mary sings in our own lives, that we know ourselves to be truly loved and valued, that we take our…
Second Sunday in Advent C – December 9, 2012
But not everything that is begun among us will come to completion in our time. And yet, it will most certainly come to completion in God’s good time. This was Paul’s message to the Christians at Philippi in our second reading today. He wrote “I am confident of this, that the one who began a…
First Sunday in Advent C – December 2, 2012
So, what do we, who wait for signs of Jesus’ coming, do with a Gospel passage that sounds like sheer fantasy? That sounds so incredible and hard to believe and downright ludicrous….as ludicrous as watching for snow on a clear November day.
Living a Gospel centered life, a life…