Sunday’s Service (Page 137)

Sunday’s Service (Page 137)

We are hosting in-person worship since June 20, 2021. Our most recent worship video can be found below. You can also visit our YouTube channel for more worship videos.

Sermons prior to the pandemic can be found here.

The Feast of Epiphany C – January 6, 2012

God is not ours to hold onto and claim as our own. If the magi teach us anything it is that we are all called to follow the light of God’s revelation. We may journey with strangers and with people with whom we share nothing in common. We may be uncomfortable and we may be stretched. We may be…

First Sunday in Christmas C – December 30, 2012

Think about it….Christmas is arguably the most public display of the Christian faith in our culture today. People celebrate Christmas whether or not they believe in Christ. They exchange gifts, decorate trees, hang lights, and wish one another a merry Christmas….a merry Christ…mass. And on…

Christmas Eve C – December 24, 2012

God has come among us as a tiny child, bringing a message of love that is for all people. Not just a few, not just us. But for all people. And every time we share that love, the light of Christ shines more brightly in us and in our world. God came among us so that we would not sit in darkness, but that we would walk in the light of Christ’s love.