Sunday’s Service (Page 132)

Sunday’s Service (Page 132)

We are hosting in-person worship since June 20, 2021. Our most recent worship video can be found below. You can also visit our YouTube channel for more worship videos.

Sermons prior to the pandemic can be found here.

Easter 3 C – April 14, 2013

God came up with a wild and wonderful idea to encourage faithfulness among the partner people during times of persecution. The Creator sent strange and awesome visions to a dreamer who was imprisoned on an island called Patmos. The dreamer, whose name was John, wrote the visions down and sent his writings to Christian congregations. His dreams made absolutely no sense to…

Easter 2 C – April 7, 2013

Perhaps this comes close to your understanding of who God is. As all encompassing, as ever present. Those are very big ways that we think of God. For some, it is helpful to place more accessible attributes on God – as Father or Lord, as Teacher or Creator. In the burning bush God was revealed to Moses as I AM. This was God’s self understanding. I AM.…

Good Friday C – March 29, 2013

There is one viewpoint, in particular, though, that I find unimaginable, when considering Jesus on the cross. In my wildest imaginings and in my worst nightmares I cannot comprehend what it might have been like for Mary, the mother of Jesus, to stand at the foot of the cross and watch him hanging there. No mother wishes to see her child in pain. And for Mary, I imagine…