Sunday’s Service (Page 128)

Sunday’s Service (Page 128)

We are hosting in-person worship since June 20, 2021. Our most recent worship video can be found below. You can also visit our YouTube channel for more worship videos.

Sermons prior to the pandemic can be found here.

Ordinary Time 15 C – July 14, 2013

Showing mercy to people is a part of our lives of faith- you know that. We wouldn’t have all sorts of Lutheran social service agencies if our faith wasn’t about acts of compassion. But here, the Tanzanians remind us that Jesus is also speaking a word about social dynamics and the deep divisions present in society. In reality, the Tanzanians seem better informed about who…

Ordinary Time 14 C – July 7, 2013

I think this is my greatest sorrow in ministry these days, not ministry here in particular, but ministry in a broader level. Ministry as one who, like you, bears the God story. You see, the God story is a mystery and a love story wrapped into one. It is the mystery of God’s Creation…the way that the earth is so dependent on each part of itself for sustenance and…

Ordinary Time 12 C – June 23, 2013

Next Sunday 13 Lutheran congregations, make that 13 ELCA congregations, will march in Seattle’s Pride Parade. We will march because we need to share the radical inclusivity of God’s love. And to this pastor, we march as an apology to every person who has ever been told that they were somehow less than a beloved child of God. It’s a stretch for some of us. It’s…