When I was in high school, I had my eye on this specific pair of shoes I wanted. They were the newest shoes Nike had out and they were perfect! I begged my mom to buy them for me, but she told me she would never spend $120 on a pair of tennis shoes. I could not let these shoes go! They were orange Nike shocks and everyone at school had a pair. I wanted these shoes soooo bad! So, I started diligently saving every penny I had and mowed as many neighbors’ yards as I could to buy these shoes. Finally, I made it to $120 exactly! I excitedly told my mom it was now time to go to the mall because I had my money. I proudly walked into the store and straight to the shoes holding them awe. I quickly told the employee which size I needed and made my way to the cash register as fast as I could. At long last these shoes were about to be mine! But, then… I watched the cashier ring up my shoes and she said that will be $127. But I knew these shoes were exactly $120 and that’s exactly what I had! I turned to my mom with tears welling in my eyes and this is the day I learned the hard truth about taxes.
As I have grown up, I have continued to learn the hard truth about taxes. Taxes come out of every paycheck and even more might be due in April. Or in some weird magic calculations the IRS might give you money in April. Even better, when you get married your taxes get all messed up again! Don’t even get me started on clergy taxes! The moral of the story is that taxes are confusing, but we have to pay them. The government requires that we all pay certain taxes at varying levels, well most of us that is. And if you happen to forget that taxes are due or just think you don’t want to pay taxes anymore you will get a rather unfriendly visit from the IRS.
Now, you might be wondering why I am talking about taxes on our final stewardship Sunday or how this fits in to Reign of Christ Sunday. Well, if we are being honest our taxes go to a kingdom of sorts, right. A kingdom that we are required to pay in to. A kingdom that at times doesn’t reflect any of our values and a kingdom that rarely remembers to feed the poor and clothe the naked. This kingdom allows the tax burden to be on the poor and middle class while rarely taxing the rich or corporations. This kingdom requires our money and we have no say in it. We are required to render unto Caesar what is Caesars, right?
But, beloved, this is not the kingdom that we are here worshipping right now. This is not the kingdom that brings us all together. Jesus hanging on the cross opens up a whole new reign. A reign that is not even of this world. A reign that doesn’t make sense to our minds. The kin-dom Jesus came to profess and show is radically different than the KINGdom we pay our taxes to. This is precisely why when I refer to Jesus, I call it a kin-dom, k-i-n-d-o-m. We are kin in this place and Jesus did not come to have kingship over us but rather came to connect us as one family whose main message is God’s radical grace. When I speak of governments of this world I call it a kingdom, k-i-n-g-d-o-m because many of them exist to lord their power over others or elevate themselves to higher powers of positions no matter what it costs. Jesus came to participate in a new way of being that has nothing to do with power over.
Jesus’ reign with this kin-dom is one that does not know political campaigns that smear opponents or engage in drawn out political debates. This kin-dom of Jesus is for all people. Not just for people that can vote, or who have paid taxes, or who are of the correct political party. It’s a kin-dom that radically changes the world. This kin-dom is life changing. It’s a kin-dom that says you are worthy and loved no matter what just as you are. It’s a kin-dom that says, sure we will make hard decisions so that our neighbors can have safe housing. It is a kin-dom you don’t have to prove yourself because you are named and claimed as a beautiful child of God.
This kin-dom knits us together in community that can be vulnerable, honest, and broken together because we know we are broken but that we are loved anyway by a God who’s love knows no bounds. This kin-dom tells the most marginalized that there is a place for you here. This kin-dom knows radical love and grace because God through love became a human and died on the cross for everyone.
Now, I don’t think I need to make all of the connections for you about how radically different this is than our current political reality or any political reality we have ever had. Since before the time of Jesus political kingdoms have messed up. They have used power over others and have neglected the poor among them. They have created unjust policies and have only had their best interest in mind. And yet we are required to pay into this political system, and I think we should! I like taxes because it means that I am providing something for my neighbor that they can’t provide for themselves. But, there are some things I do not like my taxes being used for like the building of youth jails or maybe just the fact that we have no idea what our taxes are being used for.
While we are required to pay into this political kingdom we are granted the opportunity to pay into the kin-dom of God. A kin-dom that proclaims loves to the widest depths of the Earth and speaks truth to power on behalf of the oppressed. Now, I don’t know about you but this is exactly the type of kin-dom I want to paying into.
The church won’t always get it right or spend your money exactly as you think we should but what a joy it is to give to a kin-dom who’s Creator died for all. Your gifts to this place ensure that we can continue to create a wider and more generous table. Your gifts ensure that we, right here on the corner of 132nd and Greenwood can continue to actively share Christ’s love in community.
That looks like passing out lunches Monday-Friday to those who are hungry. Or having beautiful community garden space for folks to grow their own nutritional food. Your gifts ensure that we can keep the lights on so that community groups can come and learn about sobriety and share their own hard stories. Your gifts keep your staff fed and housed so that they can continue to worship with you and bestow your gracious gifts on this community. You donate books and then give your time to read them to our neighbors next door. The list could go on and on about all the ways in which your money, gifts, and talents keep this place alive.
This is a small but mighty congregation making a huge difference on the corner of 132nd and Greenwood. You all have opted to continue funding and participating in the kin-dom of God and I am so grateful for that. This is a kin-dom that is worth buying into and a mission that is worth telling others about. I can truly tell you that this congregation has changed my life and I know it has shaped and changed the lives of many others and for that I have to say thanks be to God.
As we sing our hymn of the day, I invite you to place your giving cards in the basket on the table. These pledges ensure that we have a solid budget moving into the next year of ministry. Thank you for investing in the kin-dom of God through Luther Memorial.
- Audio (MP3) 11 MB
Building Up the Saints
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