Sermons from 2024 (Page 6)
Sunday July 7th, 2024 Worship
I’m getting ready to pack for vacation right now, and I think I really need to listen to this advice from Jesus to the disciples he sends out today. I’m a chronic over-packer. You just never know what the weather is going to be like or if you’re going to spill on a shirt, so you had better bring an extra! That piece of clothing that I haven’t worn in four years might get…
Sunday June 30th, 2024 Worship
My parents used to call me their million-dollar baby because it seemed like my life was a series of doctor’s appointments one after another with very little to show for them. It all made sense once I was diagnosed with my connective tissue disorder, but until then, it didn’t make sense why all of these random pains and issues were happening. Many people, including…
Sunday June 16th, 2024 Worship
I once saw a video of a gardener sharing about his method of planting carrots. Because their seeds are so small, he digs a little trench and then just sprinkles some seeds along it, knowing that not all of them are going to grow well and that he might have to thin them out if too many do start growing. He doesn’t really know how many carrots he will get this way, but if…
Sunday June 23rd, 2024 Worship
When I was in high school, my dad, grandpa, and I went on a salmon fishing trip over to Lake Michigan. Now, as a Minnesotan, I grew up spending many hours on boats every summer without ever having a problem. But, when we got on the water for the first night of fishing, we ended up getting caught in a large thunderstorm when we were about a mile offshore. I’m sure it…