Sermons on Pentecost (Page 7)

Sermons on Pentecost (Page 7)

Sunday June 9th, 2024 Worship

When I was a kid, I was, let’s just say, creative! Which meant that I was often spending time in time-out for my attempts to push the boundaries on what I was allowed and not allowed to do. Usually, it was my attempt to find a loophole, but sometimes it was just because I flat out didn’t listen when I was told not to do something. Like when I would swim as many laps…

Sunday May 19th, 2024 Worship

These people are not drunk as you think—it’s only nine o’clock in the morning!” (Acts 2: 15). As I said last week, Acts has some of my favorite unintentionally comedic lines! I don’t know about you, but in my experience being around people who are drunk, it’s not very common that they fluently start speaking another language which they didn’t previously know. In fact,…

Sunday May 28th, 2023 Worship

So you may have noticed a few weeks ago that I actually really love talking about the Holy Spirit. It’s the Person of the Trinity that I wish we would talk about more as Lutherans, so I love that Pentecost is a day when we really get to celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit! And, one of the things that I love about the story of Pentecost is the imagery. “Something…