Sermons on Epiphany (Page 2)

Sermons on Epiphany (Page 2)

Sunday January 19th, 2025 Worship

When you think of signs, what do you think of? Maybe you think of stop signs or speed limit signs, maybe it is the signage that businesses use to indicate that they exist there, or maybe it’s things like the first peek of a flower coming up to remind us that spring is right around the corner. Most people don’t know that before I became and English and Religion major, I…

Sunday January 12th, 2025 Worship

What is in a name? I often find it interesting to think about the names that we are given or that we choose for ourselves. Whether that be legal names, nicknames, or other titles we go by with the people who know and love us. Because of the last name, Funkhouser, it’s safe to say that I have been given many, dare I say too many, nicknames throughout the course of my life.…

Sunday January 5th, 2025 Worship

One of my favorite Disney movies growing up, and honestly still today is Hercules. Now, I know it is full of historical inaccuracies, as many Disney movies are to make them palatable and appropriate for young children, but between the music and the comedic one-liners of Hades and the other characters, it’s got my heart. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s very…