Sermons on Daily Life
Sunday January 21st, 2024 Worship
I’ve told a few stories of my fishing adventures growing up, including the time I accidentally hooked my grandpa in the hand because I wasn’t paying attention to where I was casting my line, which is of course how I got my lucky lure. Besides that, I don’t think that I was always the best fishing companion, in all honestly. My dad and grandpa needed to have a lot of…
Sunday January 14th, 2024 Worship
I think that by this point many of you have heard at least part of my call story, so forgive me if I am retelling it at this point. But, for those of you that don’t know, I did not want to be a pastor growing up. In fact, it was probably the farthest thing from my mind. By the time I was thirteen, I was determined that I was going to be a civil engineer. I was going to…
Sunday January 1st, 2024 Worship
When you imagine the voice of God, what do you hear? Think about that for a second. I was in college when my campus pastor told me for the first time that the voice of God could be something other than a deep, masculine voice like how it’s always depicted in shows and movies. Now, I know this might be weird to think about, but for some reason growing up, probably because…