Sermon Archive (Page 157)

Sermon Archive (Page 157)

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11 Pentecost A – August 28, 2011

A question that pastors and missionaries and others who serve the church in a vocational capacity are often asked is “What made you decide to become a…pastor, missionary, deacon…?” And of course, the answer is never a WHAT but always a WHO.

8 Pentecost A – August 7, 2011

In our reading from Genesis today we heard the story of Joseph…that would be Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, not Joseph your wife is going to bear the Son of God.

7 Pentecost A – July 31, 2011

I have a pattern for sermon writing. It begins ten days before the Sunday I will preach the sermon when I gather with my text study group. This group of pastors, both Lutheran and Methodist, get together to study the texts for the Sunday that is ten days away.