Sermon Archive (Page 156)

Sermon Archive (Page 156)

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15 Pentecost A – September 25, 2011

The Israelites were certainly not smiling in our reading from Exodus this morning. They were grumbling and complaining and questioning. Is God With Us or Not? This is the question the Israelites ask today as they find themselves traversing through the wilderness.

14 Pentecost A – September 18, 2011

The Israelites were being returned from captivity in Egypt. They had been given new life…life not in captivity, but in freedom! For years they were being led back to the land they had been promised, the land of their ancestors.

13 Pentecost A – September 11, 2011

September 11, 2001 was my second day of seminary. At the time of the attacks, I was in class, and from there went to our daily chapel service. The President of the Seminary told us that details were sketchy and that we would pray for what was unfolding.