Sermon Archive (Page 141)

Sermon Archive (Page 141)

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18 Pentecost B – September 30, 2012

In truth, we all carry a heavy burden and there are days when we are certain that it is too heavy for us, whatever it is. Maybe we are carrying the load of a diagnosis, our own or someone we love. Maybe we are carrying the load of broken relationships. Maybe we are carrying the load of unrealized expectations. Maybe we are carrying the load of uncertainty. We know…

17 Pentecost B – September 23, 2012

Some days we will be called to be those who care for those Jesus has drawn to himself. We will be called to care for the homeless women and children who are coming to us. We will be called to care for those who are hungry right outside our doors. We will be called to affirm the rights of all people. We will be called to care.

16 Pentecost B – September 16, 2012

This past Tuesday marked the eleventh anniversary of September 11. I was in High School at the time, and during our morning band class, most of us were socializing and jabbering away while we were supposed to be watching the events unfold on television. Our band teacher shushed us and said, “You need to be quiet! You are watching history.” How true his words turned out to…