Sermon Archive (Page 134)

Sermon Archive (Page 134)

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Lent 4 C – March 10, 2013

What we learn from this story is that God when we wander away from God…when we are lost like an errant sheep or child or a rolling coin, God rejoices when we are found. God is a loving God who gathers us in. It’s a beautifully simple pattern Luke the storyteller, Luke the healer, Luke the Gospeller, tells….something is beloved…..what is beloved is lost….there is a…

Lent 3 C – March 3, 2013

Though we often think of Lent happening in the desert, maybe Lent is really an invitation to the bounty of God’s waters of healing. If we could translate the waters’ gurgling invitation into English, I think it would sound something like this: “Let the broken ones be healed, let the lost be found and fed, let the grace of God roll on, let the river rise and spread. Step…

Lent 1 C – February 17, 2013

It is, as you know, a part of my call to preach the story. That’s what pastors do. But you all proclaim the story too. You do it with words, you do it in the many ways, small and large that you care for one another. You do it in song. You do it in the ways you treat others, the stranger and friend. But today, we have the unique chance to see how language and…