Sermon Archive (Page 133)

Sermon Archive (Page 133)

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Feast of the Resurrection – Easter Sunday C – March 31, 2013

So what do we do with this resurrection story? This fantastic, scientifically impossible, never since accomplished again story of one rising from the dead. Of course those who had gathered in fear didn’t believe the women. Of course they thought it was just so much….well, you know… And why…

Palm/Passion Sunday C – March 24, 2013

Jesus is not the kind of Messiah the people were expecting, and frankly, we struggle to understand any better than Simon, the 50,000, the Romans or the Jews, the priests or scribes, or doomed Jerusalem itself what Jesus’ power and glory look like in the world. But this week, we are invited to Jesus’ vision, to walk into relationship with this Lord of love, who would lay…

Lent 5 C – March 17, 2013

But what if, in all of this, God is doing a new thing? What if…in all of this….God is doing a new thing? It will most certainly be uncomfortable. It will most certainly mean that we will be called to leave behind all that we have understood ourselves to be in order to embrace all that discipleship is calling us to become.