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Easter 6 C – May 5, 2013
… What dreams of God’s healing presence does God visit you with in the night? God visited John of Patmos with a dream of a world restored and reconciled and redeemed, a dream that God continues to inspire us with, leading people to leave their despair of the pain of the world behind, and to act against all odds. God scatters little seeds in us- dreams of preschools for…
Easter 5 C – April 28, 2013
One of the places I find the Kingdom, the new Jerusalem, is in music. As we will gather to show our appreciation to Kathy today, I am very much reminded that the Kingdom – up there- has always been envisioned with music. Angels playing harps and angel choirs singing. But I think that musicians in the Kingdom look a little more like Audrey and Julie and Hart and our…
Easter 4 C – April 21, 2013
But hear the good news, the Gospel news, the news of promise. Those who worship in their washed robes before the throne, those who have come through the great ordeal, have come before the God who will shelter them. They will hunger no more, and thirst no more; the sun will not strike them nor any scorching heat; for the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their…