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Ordinary Time 11 C – June 16, 2013
We have no shortage of story tellers in our world today. Bloggers, reporters of all kinds, writers, and even preachers. We get multiple viewpoints on almost every situation. And yet, I consistently learn the most from the most surprising places. I learn from the kids here at Luther Memorial. From the bold statements of faith of our younger children to the…
Ordinary Time 10 C – June 9, 2013
Please pray with me this morning. Gracious Lord, bless the speaking and bless the hearing, that your Word may take root in our hearts and bear fruit in our lives, for the healing of the world you so love, and to the glory of your holy name. Amen. How many of you journal? Maybe many of you are ashamed to answer yes, since journaling sounds a bit like keeping a diary, and…
Ordinary Time 9 C – June 2, 2013
Sisters and brothers, it is a new song we are called to sing. It is a song that is beyond ourselves…it is a song for all people, all nations…for the Roman centurion, the Jewish community, the disciple of Christ. Let us sing it with the confidence of children of God and as those who follow a Savior who was reminded by an outsider of the wideness of God’s love and mercy. …