Sermons by Vicar Inge Williams (Page 4)
Second Sunday in Epiphany C – January 20, 2012
To trust in God’s abundant grace means also to trust that God has given us all the gifts we need to do God’s work in this place. Marcus Lohrmann, Bishop in Northwest Ohio, wisely says, “God has given us everything we need to do mission.” Rather than ask in fear, “will there be enough?” Jesus frees…
Baptism of Our Lord C – January 13, 2013
Today we hear of Jesus’ Baptism in the river Jordan. This is the first moment we hear of in Luke’s Gospel of Jesus as an adult; it isn’t until after this moment of Baptism that he begins his work of leading disciples and healing the sick and setting the oppressed free. He is just emerging in his…
Fourth Sunday in Advent C – December 23, 2012
My prayer is that this Christmas season, no matter how despairing we are, however many losses we have experienced this year and are all too aware of, that we might hear the song of blessing that Mary sings in our own lives, that we know ourselves to be truly loved and valued, that we take our…