Sermons by Pastor Sara Funkhouser (Page 35)
Sunday July 24th, 2022 Worship
Are you a sinner or a trespasser? This is how one of the pastors I know would half-jokingly, half-seriously end visits with people in order to determine which version of the Lord’s Prayer they were accustomed to using. Because whether it was called Our Father, the Lord’s Prayer the traditional or contemporary version, we have all learned similar versions. Yet, there are…
Sunday July 17th, 2022 Worship
“Martha, Martha! You’re anxious and upset about so many things, but only a few things are necessary—really only one” (Luke 10: 41-42). Our Gospel reading today might be a short one, but even with only a few verses, I am immediately hit with all the ways that I am a Martha. It’s like an instant flashback to when I was in middle school and high school and my dad would tell…
Sunday July 10th, 2022 Worship
Who is my neighbor? This seems to be a question that we have been asking more and more over the last few decades, especially as internet technologies have connected us with people from around the globe. And, it has certainly taken on a new meaning for Luther Memorial in the past few years as you all have asked not only who our neighbors are, but how can we be in further…