Sermons by Pastor Sara Funkhouser (Page 32)

Sermons by Pastor Sara Funkhouser (Page 32)

Sunday October 2nd, 2022 Worship

When I was growing up, I have distinct memories of going to my grandparent’s church in Northern Minnesota. Yes, we were often there for Christmas and Easter, but we also spent a decent amount of time there during summer weekends too. In many ways, it became my second church home. It was the church where my grandparents had gone my entire life, where my mother grew up, and…

Sunday September 25th, 2022 Worship

Who do we listen to in our lives? Or phrased a different way, who or what do we place our trust in to give us guidance for how to live our lives? For some, it might be Scripture, for others it might be friends or family, it might be a combination of all of the above, or it might be something else entirely. Yet, who and what we listen to has an important impact on the…

Sunday September 18th, 2022 Worship

This past week, Julie, Keiko, and I stood out on the sidewalk and gave popsicles to the kids and their families leaving school on their second day of school. There was so much joy when the kids learned that we just wanted to celebrate the start of the school year with them. It was a great way to get to know our neighbors just a little bit more! And, it completely made up…