Sermons by Pastor Sara Funkhouser (Page 31)

Sermons by Pastor Sara Funkhouser (Page 31)

Sunday October 30th, 2022 Worship

One of the retired pastors who served on my care committee during internship always liked to both seriously and jokingly (I think) say that I was more Lutheran than Martin Luther! This was always great fun for me when we consider that Martin Luther really didn’t want a denomination named after himself, after all, he saw himself as a worm undeserving of such thing because…

Sunday October 23rd, 2022 Worship

“I’m a Christian, but…” I’m guilty of saying this phrase, probably too much, and it is one of the most commonly heard phrases when people explain their Christian identity to others. I’m a Christian, but I’m not like x, y, or z. This has been extra important for me in helping to proclaim that our congregation is a safe place for people like me, but it also directly…

Sunday October 16th, 2022 Worship

“Mature Christians limp!” While I may not remember all the details from my four years at Seminary, I can distinctly remember sitting in the basement classroom for Hebrew Bible 1 when our late professor Gwen Sayler boldly exclaimed “Mature Christians limp!” It’s quite a thing to hear this in class coming from a karaoke speaker, especially when I originally thought it was a…