Sermons by Pastor Paul Hoffman
Holy Trinity Sunday C – May 21, 2016
Sunday, 22 May 2016 Paul E. Hoffman +The Holy Trinity, Series C Seattle, WA Luther Memorial Lutheran Church Holy, holy, holy; Lord God Almighty. Look at the mess we’ve gotten ourselves into now. The Trinity is what we got when we started testifying that the God of Israel raised Jesus from the dead. So wrote one of brighter, more adventurous young Lutheran…
Easter 4 C – April 17, 2016
Sunday, 17 April 2016 Paul E. Hoffman +The Fourth Sunday of Easter, Series C Seattle, WA Luther Memorial Lutheran Church The texts for this morning present us with four different scenes of confusion and discouragement. The first is a deathbed scene for a beloved caregiver. Dorcas had been a lifeline for a group of widows in Joppa. Left behind by their husbands’…
Easter Sunday C – March 27, 2016
Sunday, 27 March 2016 Luther Memorial Lutheran Church +Easter, Series C Seattle, WA Paul E. Hoffman, Pastor Vivian Olson lived her last 20 years in solitude. Her only son, Merle, moved her 70 miles away from Seattle to his town up north when she turned 90. He came to see her once a week, on Wednesdays. But he died suddenly in her 97th or 98th year, leaving…