Messenger (Page 16)

Messenger (Page 16)

The Messenger – March 2018

PJ’s Page – Recently the office got a voicemail message that brought us joy. In it, a woman left a fairly lengthy message, thanking us for “showing up in the world” through the messages on our Greenwood sign. She said she drives by every day and has been encouraged by the messages there and she wanted to thank us. She was not the first person to offer her thanks. The sign…

The Messenger – February 2018

PJ’s Page – The congregation recently received a lovely thank you note and drawing from one of the second grade classes who participated in dance classes through Pacific Northwest Ballet here in our building last November. The class had drawn pictures of themselves and written a sweet message of thanks. It included this line: We always felt included, happy, proud, and…

The Messenger – January 2018

PJ’s Page – January is a time when our thoughts turn to new things:  new resolutions, new schedules, new hopes for the new year.  Gym memberships skyrocket with those whose resolutions involve a new healthier body. We only have to glance around us at Luther Memorial to see signs of new things:  new construction to provide new homes; a new look in the sanctuary as we allow…