Messenger – June 2018
PJ’s Page – Recently I’ve listened to several episodes of a podcast entitled “This Movie Changed Me”, hosted by Lily Percy and published by On Being studios. In it, they invite one fan to talk about the transformative power of one movie. Summer is often a month for blockbuster movies. There are more than a few I’m looking forward to this summer. What about you? Of…
Messenger – May 2018
PJ’s Page – Some of you are aware that my dear mother in law, Peggy, had a mild stroke last month. Her recovery is remarkable and we are so thankful for that. Bruce spent a week in Alabama with her after she went to the rehabilitation center of the hospital. It was my habit to FaceTime her whenever I could, because it brought me comfort to see her, although I could not be…
The Messenger – April 2018
PJ’s Page – Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! These are days of welcome! We are so delighted to welcome as our new Director of Music and Worship Arts, David Horton. David is a friend of this congregation, filling in as musician in this place as needed over the last several years. David comes to us from Faith Lutheran Church in Redmond, WA. His position here is full time;…