Messenger (Page 33)
The Messenger – September 2013
PJ’s Page – The theme for the 2013 ELCA Churchwide Assembly and for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the ELCA is “Always Being Made New.” The logo is catchy and uses font to express the idea Very often, in the church, we imagine that it’s the “same old, same old”. Some of you have even told me that… “Pastor….worship/Sunday School/serving on Council/Vacation…
The Messenger – July and August 2013
PJ’s Page – For many, many years my life has rotated around an academic calendar. When my children (and I!) were in school and when we were not shaped the way our days and weeks looked. When the children were little, our days were filled with lots of summer time activities, including Vacation Bible School. I often taught VBS and the kids loved going. For me, VBS…
The Messenger – June 2013
PJ’s Page – As many of you know, Bruce went to Ethiopia last month as Director of Photography with a project called Hope By Twelve. This NGO is dedicated to helping change the lives of girls in Ethiopia, who are generally sold, married off, traded, mutilated, or marketed by the age of twelve. Folks, this is life changing stuff. While he was away, I was captured by the…