Messenger (Page 32)

Messenger (Page 32)

The Messenger – December 2013

PJ’s Page Today I sat in our beautiful worship space at Luther Memorial and listened to the Cora Voce Civic choir’s annual pre-Advent concert.  This choir does stunning work and I was glad to see many of you there to share such deeply enriching music.  It was also a good way to be gently reminded that Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, or what the Church sometimes calls the…

The Messenger – November 2013

PJ’s Page – This month we have many opportunities to give thanks, culminating, of course, in that very American tradition of Thanksgiving Day on November 28th. Early in November we observe All Saints Sunday, one of my favorite days in the Church year.  We remember with thanksgiving and love those from our community of faith who have died in the past year.  We also give…

The Messenger – October 2013

PJ’s Page – On September 15th we installed Kirby Unti as the Bishop of the NW Washington synod.   You might wonder exactly what it is a bishop does.  A part of what a bishop does is oversee and guide the work that we do together as a synod – a group of congregations joined together by virtue of our geography.  We do good work in this synod and we offer our prayers for…