Messenger (Page 29)
The Messenger – September 2014
PJ’s Page – There are lots of mysteries in life, but the one I’m currently pondering is this: “Who ARE the LOVE NINJA’s?” On my first Sunday back since returning from my grandmother’s funeral in Illinois, I found heart shaped notes of love in the pulpit and on the missal stand on the altar! “God is Always With You” one reminded me! “You are Never Alone” said the…
The Messenger – August 2014
PJ’s Page – Recently, a friend of mine participated in a mock disaster drill at Sea-Tac Airport. The exercise simulated an airport related disaster. The actors were given roles to play, including how they were wounded and what their emotional and physical responses were to be. They were dressed with very realistic looking wounds via make up and costume special…
The Messenger – July 2014
PJ’s Page In the liturgical year we have entered the season of Ordinary Time. Some call this time of year between Holy Trinity Sunday (which was June 15th) and Christ the King Sunday (the last Sunday before Advent) the season of rest. While the rest of the liturgical year propels us along with feasts and celebrations, Ordinary Time allows us to be in the blessing of…