Messenger (Page 21)

Messenger (Page 21)

The Messenger – October 2016

PJ’s Page – When I arrived at Trinity Lutheran Seminary this week, for a wonderful continuing education event, there was a message that the Director of Contextual Education wanted to see me.  The Contextual Education folks place students in internship sites, among other things. I wasn’t terribly surprised when she started to lay out all of the reasons she wanted Luther…

The Messenger – September 2016

PJ’s Page – Here I raise my Ebenezer, “Hither by thy help I’ve come”, and I hope, by thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home.  Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandr’ing from the fold of God; he to rescue me from danger, interposed his precious blood.”  ~ Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, ELW # 807 One of the great joys of our new home is that we once again have…

The Messenger – August 2016

PJ’s Page – I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the meaning of home lately.  I wrote about this in last month’s Messenger, too, proving my point!  Part of this is because our year of living downtown has come to an end and Bruce and I are in the process of moving back “up north.”  But mostly I’ve been thinking about home because of the sharp increase in the number of…