Messenger (Page 20)
The Messenger – January 2017
PJ’s Page – Last month, during the second week of Advent, Luther Memorial was scheduled to host our neighbors at Broadview UCC for our second mid week Advent service. We had decided we would sing the beautiful Holden Evening Prayer service. In preparation, we hired a musician, secured worship leaders (thank you Kelsey and Bruce), and prepared the sanctuary to look…
The Messenger – December 2016
It’s hard to believe that we are once again welcoming the season of Advent into our lives. Advent ushers us toward the incarnation, the coming of God to dwell with us as a child born to Mary. More than that, though, Advent invites us to time apart….quiet time….sacred time. Advent reminds us of what it means to watch and wait. Advent calls us to be ready. I’ve shared…
The Messenger – November 2016
PJ’s Page – November is the month when our hearts turn with intention toward gratitude and thankfulness. In the Church, this is the month when a new year begins in our liturgical calendar; the first Sunday of Advent is November 27th. As I look back over this year, my own heart is filled with gratitude. The time spent on sabbatical was such a marvelous gift of renewal…