December 7, 2013

December 7, 2013

by Steve Olson

Make way make way!
It’s the King
Where is He? Where is He? I don’t see Him.
A man, a woman, pass on a donkey and I do not see Him

He’s right there! Make way!
Where, where is this King who will make straight the paths and level mountains? We need such a King!

Look there He IS!
Where? All  I see is a pig sty. All I smell is manure. The man and the woman are bent over a trough.
I turn back to the road looking for a man in a fancy suit and a glad smile. He must be powerful I think to do all the things they say he will do. I am not worthy to polish his fine designer shoes.
Do you see HIM?
I look to where you are pointing.
Where, beyond the shabby shepherds who have gathered at the sty? They smell, they haven’t shaved, they look swarthy.
Oh, there I see them; there are three of them coming toward us now. Not one I think, but Three Powerful Kings to set the world right!
Make way! Make way! Let these Kings, these worldly Kings, these Kings of the world through.
Make way!
I yell to the shepherds to the people in the sty, pick up your child show him the kings. Let him see the magnificent procession. These  Kings have come to reign. Now these are regents worthy of the name.  The kings stop though and do not shove the shepherds aside. They have business with the carpenter, they are carrying packages.
They kneel in the mud….and they bow their heads to the child.
Make Way!