December 5, 2013

December 5, 2013

by Rev. Julie G. Hutson

A Reflection on Acts 1: 12-17, 21-26

This passage tells the story of how the remaining eleven disciples and those who worshiped and served with them determined who would serve as a replacement for Judas (who had killed himself after betraying Jesus.)  Now I don’t know about you, but I would expect some very holy, perhaps complex, ritualized way of making such a determination.  Instead, they cast lots.  They literally rolled the dice.  And in so doing, Matthias was chosen as the twelfth man.

I find some particular comfort in this story because we are reminded that God uses all of us in the task of ministry.  The runner up for the twelfth man job, Joseph called Barsabbas, most certainly continued to follow Jesus.

And the whole matter was soaked in prayer.  Acts 1: 14 said that the group was constantly devoting themselves to prayer.

Being active in prayer can make a tremendous difference in us.  It can soften our hearts, open our minds, and offer us hope.  Hope that our gifts will be used in the world to bring the Gospel message to a broken and hurting world.  Hope that the coming Messiah will bring in a reign of peace and justice.  Hope in Jesus.