December 27, 2013

December 27, 2013

by Steve Olson

What if we just stopped today?

What if we just stopped for a moment and instead of rushing about, we sang?

What if we stopped today?

What if we just stayed where we are in the moment, avoided that exchange counter or the once in a season sale?

What if we just stopped and sang/

What if, instead of cleaning up and checking all the email that came in while we were off, or working on that stack of papers in our in box or a thousand other things that just need to be done, instead of that, what if we just stopped; and sang?

What if we turned off the Poulan Weedeater Bowl, put down the Coors Silver Bullet and the buffalo wings and did something extraordinary?

What if we all sang?

What if we laid down our arms joined our hands and sang?

What if we shut down the factories stopped pumping dirt into the sky and trash into the water?

What if we stopped all that and sang?

What if we descended from the soapbox, put the microphones down, left our Facebook and Twitter accounts alone, and instead of dividing off into left and right, in or out, pro or anti, joined together in the middle of the public square and with choirs of angels, we sang?

What if we stopped? To Sing!


Men and women, old and young, black, white, brown, olive, sing together!

For unto you:

Rulers and Subjects,

Jailers and prisoners,

Rich and poor,

Is born a Savior!

Everyone! Stop what you are doing and SING!