Advent Hymn – Savior of the Nations, Come
Text: attr. Ambrose of Milan, 340-397; Martin Luther, 1483-1546
Savior of the nations, come;
virgin’s son, make here your home.
Marvel now, O heav’n and earth:
God has chosen such a birth.
Not by human flesh and blood,
but the mystic Breath of God,
was the Word of God made flesh,
fruit of woman, blossom fresh.
Wondrous birth—oh, wondrous child—
from his throne, a virgin mild!
Very God, and Mary’s son,
eager now his race to run!
From God’s heart the Savior speeds,
back to God his pathway leads;
out to vanquish death’s command,
back to reign at God’s right hand.
Now your manger, shining bright,
hallows night with newborn light.
Night cannot this light subdue;
let our faith shine ever new.
Praise we sing to Christ the Lord,
virgin’s son, incarnate Word!
To the holy Trinity
praise we sing eternally!