Posts by LMLC (Page 30)
The Messenger – March 2015
PJ’s Page- I am writing this newsletter article on the literal eve of Lent. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the day we make and mark our dusty beginning into this penitential season. Many folks observe this season by giving something up as a spiritual discipline. They give up chocolate or soda or caffeine as a model of sacrifice. You have heard me say before that giving up…
The Messenger – February 2015
PJ’s Page – Last month I attended the Byberg Preaching Conference in Cannon Beach, OR. This annual conference for ELCA pastors in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Washington, and Oregon is always a treat – bringing in fine preaching instructors, thoughtful Bible Study leaders, and creative, faithful worship planners and leaders. It is funded largely from a grant from the…
The Messenger – January 2015
PJ’s Page – I’m writing this beneath our Christmas tree on December 26th, technically the second day of Christmas (are you humming the song in your head yet?) Already newscasts are telling us how to recycle our Christmas trees. It’s DECEMBER 26th! We have ten days left in the Christmas season! Already the radio stations who were playing carols 24 hours a day have…